What is MidNyte? test
The Story
MidNyte all started with with an idea. Scott (Luna's multi-media producer) had an idea for a mystery thriller story that he had created long ago. He longed for a venue that would be more then a short film...a true mini-series. When Comcast let us know of the opportunity to air on the on-demand channel - the rest was history. Scott made the pitch at a LunaWebs team meeting and the next thing we knew Chris Henderson was ripping out an awesome script faster than lightning at midnight...ah so corny. After auditioning over 80 actors and some amazing callbacks - a production was born. Without the support of many talented individuals like Doug Clift, Tye Nelson, Marne Eggleston and April Henderson who helped this get off the ground, the lift-off would not have been as much a success . Finally when Scott, Chris, Shad and Jeff Nicholson (our Assistant Producer) finalized the cast - we knew something big was happening.
Why Huntsman Foundation?
As time went on so did the publicity around local actors, local film and an opportunity to provide awareness to Leukemia research. The Huntsman Cancer Foundation is close to the heart of the Executive Producer and owner of LunaWebs.com (Shad Vick), because his own sister passed away of Leukemia when she was 7 years old. She was part of a test group in leukemia research at Boston Children's that helped future children to be medicated properly.
Shad with his wife Jennifer are also very good friends with "Jenny", who is surviving Leukemia of 5 years. They helped raise $60,000 through a website and online marketing fundraising effort for one of her critical surgeries. The website helped fund Jenny's surgery who at the time was receiving treatment at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
The results are staggering. 20 years ago 8 out of 10 children would die of Leukemia. Now because of research and donations to charitable foundations like Huntsman, 8 out of 10 children LIVE. This is a wonderful cause.
The "Night at the Movies: Leukemia Charity Event" will be held on Friday, June 5th from 6-9pm at the Eccles Auditorium at the Huntman Institute (see right). The entire mini-series will be shown in an open house style. Admission is free but donations are welcome. Tickets will be sold and proceeds from ticket will go directly to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.
MidNyte Supports Local Talent
Although MidNyte the mini-series is currently a complete non-profit production - the intent is to create exposure for local actors and talent, provide awareness and donations to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and to enjoy creativity in the process.
We hope you will consider becoming a sponsor for this event to bring exposure to local film making and to help a great charity who is really advancing research for Leukemia.